Friday, March 29, 2013

Fridays are good days.

This is all for reference. To remember those mornings when you wake up and you are just genuinely happy. Through out the whole day you have a smile on your face and cannot stop. Although I had no big plans for today, I started getting pumped up for the big audition on wednesday and it lifted my spirits. And to top off the night, the family and I hauled it all the way to Schaumburg for a little comedy improv. These are the days where you just want to close your eyes and soak it all in. To keep that moment alive to remember how you felt at that second.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Some days.

We all have those days.
You wake up, shower, take your shower, get dressed and do your make up.
Why? You just sit there and think about what could happen during the day. And then you're reminded when you watch a typical teenage lifestyle show that your life is just, average.
As I type this first blogthink to ourselves how much better our life could be. Just like in the movies or on your favorite tv show. Instead of focusing on how much our life sucks and how we wish it would be something else, let's just live in the moment and make it the best life that we can.
Although cheesy, it's some good thinking.