Wednesday, June 12, 2013

"OMG SUMMER!" No....stop.

We all have big expectations for summer. Every year, school gets out and every single person in the school says 'summer is gonna be crazy' or 'this is gonnna be the one to remember'. I finished school saying both of these to myself, but with a little doubt. You make all the plans to take road trips and bonfires and parties and such, but here i am in summer school, after that babysitting. And to take it to the next level, softball. Speaking of that; i'm done. There comes a point where things in your life, no longer make you feel like you love them anymore. I've played softball since i was five and playing on a college exposure team has been to competetive for me. The number one rule of the game is no longer 'have fun' it's 'don't make a mistake or everyone will be dissapointed in you and judge you and yell at you'. Its not longer go out there and try your hardest and if you make a mistake its okay because its just a game. Its no longer leaving the house excited and pumped to beat your friends and laugh at your mistakes. Now, i leave the house dreading it, wishing it didnt exist anymore, that i had not made the decision i had made. Its like listening to a song over and over again... After a while, you really just get sick of it, and when you hear it on the radio, youre disgusted and have to change the song! No longer is that a part of summer in which i enjoy.